Monday, December 3, 2007


With a slight, unforgivable hiatus on updates, it seems that one team refuses to take a breather. In a bold, fucktarded move, Team Gasdia has ceremoniously shown their hand in the competition, with 28 days to go. What the fuck is that shit? This changes the sediment of the whole wager. It would have been clever to down play your fucking progress, sheltering the upper hand from your opponent. Fuck that. Not Mr. Lloyd Gasdia, undoubtedly a barbarian in his own right.

That's right, 221.6 lbs. after about a month into the competition. Intimidation at its best with a net loss of 18.5 lbs.

"There's no wall in sight on my end, you're going to need every ounce - I'm bringing it and I'm bringing it double, bitches." - Lloyd Gasdia

Pay attention Team Mike D, Lloyd is boasting and posting his progress, will you? Despite stuffing your fucking face with blackened tilapia and shrimp, eating my queso, and munching on hushpuppies; you have a lot on your plate this week, literally. Do not let this image interfere with your sediment, you have the 2-to-1 advantage in this competion. From the latest reports, it seems as though you will begin training hard with your team leader, Mr. Jackson. With a plethora of Jiu Jitsu and boxing lined up, there is no reason you shouldn't be neck and neck with Team Gasdia with a little less than a month to go. Go get 'em tiger.

Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing- the effort is the same. Train your hardest to defeat Tong Po, or Lloyd Gasdia, whomever comes first.

UPDATE I: In an unforseen move, Team Mike D... whether they like it or not, has disclosed their weight as of today. With a total loss of roughly twelve pounds, it clearly reveals their lead and accomplishments over the past few weeks. Team Gasdia, you better wake the fuck up. With a brazen attitude and audacious rhetoric, you may have overlooked your opponent's progress. No longer can you sit on your ass, eating rice cakes and spinach salads expecting a win. It is the hard numbers that will eventually call this bet.

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