Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tensions Mount

There have been multiple emails and phone calls in the complaint department the past twelve hours or so. It seems that posting a picture of Mike D's belly before posting a picture of his opponent, Mr. Gasdia, is a lopsided way of doing business, almost extortionate. The consternation between the two teams is apparent. Considering we have viewers from around the world, we would like to make everyone happy. I'm sure the people in Bat Yam, Tel Aviv; Pangkor, Malaysia; Kaskinen, Finland; and of all places Howell, Michigan would agree. You know who you are, Site Meter does not lie.

Now, before the picture is revealed we must examine the fucking story behind this pathetic commitment to Mr. Gasida's obligation. I would assume that everyone knows that Zapp's Cajun Dill Gator-Tators are nearly irresistible. They are tastier, crunchier and even cholesterol free. However, does that mean you have to fucking sleep with them? No. But what we have here is a man sleeping on the fucking job, literally. Those chips are so damn good that he took them home that night and went to bed with them. While Team Gasdia is known to have the dedication of a freight train, this picture exposes a vulnerability that has gone unnoticed, until now. Team Mike D, observe, it appears that Gator-Tators are a form of Kryptonite.


EMERGENCY UPDATE I: It looks like Team Gasdia had a deceitful plan over the Thanksgiving holiday persuading Sara LeBlanc a.k.a. Mystery Sponsor, to overfeed and coerce his opponent, Mike D to consume mass quantities of casserole. Now, if you are too retarded to remember from last night, Sara is Mike D's cousin. This is blood vs. blood, not even a sanctuary from your own fucking family. You will be ambushed. If you guys were smart, you won't even talk to your parents for the next 34 days.


Homel said...

Ask ole Team Dumoit about my care package!!! Go Team Gasdia!

Anonymous said...

I just got off the phone with Mike D. He is running strong today a little hungry a little confused but he is make a call to out teams head nutritionist and should be 5lb lighter by Friday. Have another gyro TEAM GASDIA. Mike D has also agreed to do some boxing with me next week as well as Jiu Jitsu. If we can cut the weight we will beat it out of him.

Mike Jackson

Anonymous said...

New SPY info……

Lloyd has an Acura
Lloyd like chocolate milk
His favorite color is blue



Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.